Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Platform


Ann Arbor is in dire straits because of ONE PARTY RULE. Our city council consists of career politicians whose reelections are a formality. I am running as a Republican, but you don't have to like Republicans or agree with me on all the issues to realize that single party rule is not healthy. I promise that if I am elected, I will be your voice, AND I will do everything I can to shine light on the improper and undemocratic secrecy in government which has become so familiar to Ann Arborites.


Ann Arbor's extravagant projects have become so notorious that nearly everyone is talking. Unnecessary (and ugly) art, parks turned into swamps at taxpayer expense, illegal conversion of parkland to other uses, all of this while basic services such as police, fire, and schools are neglected. Voters pass millage after millage, and basic repairs and maintenance are neglected. Stadium Bridge is falling down and potholes are everywhere. Ann Arbor's streets are rated "the third worse in Michigan." All while the city spends millions on non-essentials, and then wants to raise taxes (including a proposal for a CITY INCOME TAX) at every turn. With your help, I promise to do all I can to shine light on this city's waste and shift this city's focus back to the basic services citizens want and need.


The City of Ann Arbor has made the streets more difficult to drive on, and now actually seeks to make it a crime to idle your car! (Never mind that we face harsh winters and blazing hot summers.) Homeowners with houses built before 1982 are being forced to submit to mandatory invasive inspections of footing drains, which are being disconnected with unwanted sump pumps being installed in basements at a very high cost. These are causing basements which were never flooded to be flooded for the first time.

If you are for ending one party rule, stopping higher taxes, focusing on basic city services, and leaving people alone, then I hope you will vote for me.

Want to contact the campaign?

Phone: 734-476-0102

Email: escheie [at] verizon[dot]net

UPDATE: I won 40% of the vote, which is not bad for a Republican running in Ann Arbor and better than incumbent Democrat Stephen Rapundalo.

Many thanks to all who voted for me.

My thanks also to the Michigan Daily for having the courage to endorse a Republican.

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